I couldn’t find the little boy with his finger in the dyke,
but then it dawned on me, after a thorough search of the Netherlands, that I
heard this story when I was yet a little boy, so by this time he quite probably
would be a very old man with a very crooked finger stuck in the dyke. Now I
don’t have time to search the Netherlands over again so I’m going to propose
that my theory, like the dykes of the Netherlands, has the potential to hold
water and should I ever return the first thing I will do is look for that old
man. Ok. Enough of the small talk, let’s get started with the things we set out
to say.
We arrived here in the Netherlands at Cornerstone, a
missionary training centre in Beugen NL. It is in fact considerably larger than
what I expected. It has the capability of housing well over 40 students and the
staff required to do the job. It is made up of three buildings, one being a
former elementary school, one being a former convent and a girl’s school, and
the other what they refer to as the farm house. The property is probably as
large as the property at Gateway but, of course, more of it taken up with
buildings making the yard seem smaller. I have had the chance to tour the
building with Peter, the maintenance person, and have seen into the belly of
the beast and all that makes it work. This is, of course, more work than one
man can handle. This, of course, is more work than several good men could
handle, but there is only one man here, and although he is a much younger man
than myself, he is still one overworked man. So, my friends hold on to your
hats because when I get back I’m going to be on your case. I’m going to hound
you. I’m going to explain how God spent 40 years teaching Moses everything he
had to know about the Egyptian government and all about His people, the
Israelites and an additional 40 years teaching him all about life in the desert
before He called him to give the last 40 years of his life in complete
commitment to Him. Then, I’m going to explain how God has spent the last 20, 30
or 40 years teaching you all you need to know and is now calling you, at this
point of retirement, to commit completely to Him for the next 10, 15, or even
20 years. He doesn’t want you sitting on your hands pretending you’re enjoying retirement;
He wants you giving back just some of what He has invested in you. Half wasn’t
too much to ask of Moses, half shouldn’t be too much to ask of you. OK, enough of the preaching Erwin, you could
save some of that till you get home.
Back to a little on the lighter side, you know there are
lots of castles in the Netherlands. But the builders were way more considerate
of the old timers who have to tour them, so they didn’t build them at the top
of very high hills. No, each one is built on the flat land where no climbing is
necessary. Now I’m not sure that they were just being considerate or if the
fact there are no hills in the Netherlands could have been the deciding
factor. We visited one such castle in
the town of Helmand, but it was not open to the public at that time so we just
walked around it. We visited a working windmill right here in Beurgen, but even
with all the sails to the wind there wasn’t enough wind power to grind the
grain. The list of new countries we have been to was not quite big enough, so
on Sunday we drove down to Belgium. Did you know that all over Europe the
stores don’t open on Sunday, that’s right, I said don’t, open. Oh, the
restaurants, the bars, and some petrol stations are open, but not the stores.
So we were not able to buy any souvenirs but we did take a picture. Today, we
went to an outdoor walk through history museum where it was supposed to give
you a picture of how the three major religions were formed. That is the Judean
(Old Testament), The Christianity (New Testament), and Muslim (the Koran) and
how they all relate to one another. What I thought would be a good adventure
turned out to be another one of those “Nobody’s wrong, nobody’s right,
everybody’s right, this is a simple history lesson based on as little fact as
we could safely use without offending anyone” kind of things, that leaves you
wondering just exactly what was said and how you can apply that knowledge, or
lack thereof, to any part of your train of thought. But it wasn’t a wasted day
we did do a 5 km walk which seems to be the norm anymore, we had a lovely lunch
together which is always a bonus, and we had another lovely car ride together. It all turned out great so now if I can get
the internet to work in my favor I’ll leave you with a few pictures and talk to
you later.
God Bless. With love
Erwin & Gail
P.S. Never did get that internet up and runnung so I am posting this from Leeds in the UK where we will spend the next 3 days.
Cornerstone Missionary Traning Centre in The Netherlands all that you can see and then some. |
The main building (former convent and girl's school) |
The windmill with all its sails to the wind. |
The main gear inside the windmill |
Look, a castle not on a hilltop |
If you look real close the sign says welcome to Belgie |
Pizza Hut in Belgium |
The town of Nazerath |
Inside the Synagoge in Nazerath |
Muslim town in Oman |
Inside the mosque |
Inside an early Christian Church |
A tent like that which Abraham and his mottly brood of nomads would have lived in. |
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