Thursday, 3 July 2014

Well folks we promised not to bother you until we were underway. We have now been underway for five days and we have successfully kept that promise. On day one we pulled out of Gateway in Langley at about 9:30 AM and traveled to Oliver BC where we set up camp and began our long awaited rest the next day by volunteering at the Okanagan Gleaners. The Gleaners, for those who do not know of them, is a not for profit organization that gathers leftover produce, that is produce that is second grade and can't be sold in stores. The volunteers cut away any bad parts and then it is diced up and  dehydrated and eventually packaged in 100 serving packages of soup base and transported to needy people around the globe. We have for the past four days been pitting and cutting and drying tons of cherries that will go with the soup base as a bit of a treat for the recipients.
We really don't have a lot to tell you so far and things won't change much for the next week or so when we pick up stakes and head to the place God made just for the perfect people . For those who are not sure, the place to which we refer is of course Saskatchewan.
Gail does more of the pitting and cutting than Erwin does. All Erwin gets to do is fix lawn mowers and do some plumbing and a little welding, and drilling and digging, OH,so pretty much what he always does.
It appears that after four nights in the camper that we still like each other just about as much as we ever have so this trip still has a good chance to work out well.
Just a couple of things you could keep in mind if and when you pray for us . 1. pray God will continue to open our eyes, our ears, our minds and our hearts so the we will be able to see, hear, understand and love all the things he has in store for us. 2/ Erwin will be speaking at our church in Rapid View Sask. on Sunday the 27th of July, so pray that God will lay something on his heart that would be a word from Him to  those that are unable to find something, or some other place to do or be that day.
Also, you will notice that just to the right of where you are now reading there is a section of this blog that contains some info. such as our profile and more important a little gadget that says "follow by email". If you should click on that gadget, and I hope you do, your computer will dissolve before your very eyes, just kidding. What will really happen is that you will have the opportunity to enter necessary info so that you will be automatically notified, by email. each time I publish a new post such as this, sometimes even better and that will make it not necessary for me to send out notices myself which I will stop doing soon. Also note that at the bottom of this post there is a place to leave a comment and we would love to hear from you so if you should find something nice to say please do. well even if you don't,  do it anyway.
God bless each and everyone of you. We love you all.
Erwin & Gail

1 comment:

  1. I see that Mom has only just begun this great journey with Dad and already... It's the pits. ��
