Sunday, 2 April 2017

Her Goes Nothing 5

April 2nd 2017

OK, I’m sorry, I’m not good at delivering bad news, especially about myself, so it has been quite a while since we finished our do nothing vacation. Please bear with me as I make the necessary excuses for not blogging sooner. When we did get home on the 3rd of March almost a month ago we found the ceiling in our bedroom down on the bed and our bed full of water. You see, three days before we returned there was quite a bad storm here and it removed a number of shingles from the roof and the rain came in, caused a considerable mess in our bedroom. So our nothingness turned quickly into a lot of somethingness. For the next 4 weeks we were living in a bit of turmoil with all the bedroom furniture in the dining room and contractors and insurance adjusters coming and going. I think we survived quite well sleeping on an air mattress in the small bedroom. Any ways, we got to sleep on our new bed in our newly refinished bedroom last Tuesday and things have since regained some sort of resemblance to normal and I have found time to tell you all about it.
Now having given you all the necessary excuses for my tardiness let me tell you about the rest of our trip. It will be very shot as in all reality it is only one day of travel since I last blogged. We left Suffolk VA. on Friday the 3rd of March and drove all the way home. It snowed in Virginia and it snowed in West Virginia, then it snowed in Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York. We crossed the border into Ontario and the stars were shining, the roads were clear and dry, it was like driving in to another world, so all that snow has to have been Trump’s fault, I can think of no other reason.
Well you know what happened after that so all I can say now is Thank you for traveling with us through this period of doing “Nothing”. We have a couple of small projects to take care of here at HQ then we will take a week of time when we will travel to Sask. to attend the Graduation ceremonies of our Oldest Grandson, Brody, who is graduating from Briercrest  Bible College in Carenport Sask.   Please pray for us as we travel and please pray for Brody as he contemplates just what God is calling him to in the near future and beyond.        

God bless you all, please keep praying for us as we pray for you.