Well, it’s been awhile this time
and what an awesome while it has been. To avoid any possible perception that I
might be bragging about our year long quest for rest, let me just get right to
the job at hand and tell you about some of the stuff we have had the pleasure
to be part of in the last seven weeks.
At this moment, having just pulled
in and set up camp at The Okanagan Gleaners in Oliver BC, I thought I would
tell you how we thought it would be appropriate to finish our quest for rest just
as we started it on June 29th over a year ago. But then it dawned on
me that that could be perceived as bragging so I won’t tell you that. But I
will tell you that I am now sitting here in our air-conditioned camper avoiding
the 30+ degree heat as it pours down on this place bored out of my mind just so
I can blog, that’s blog not brag, about the awesome time we haven’t been having
on this the last leg of our journey.
So while I try to avoid showing to
much excitement let’s go back to where we left off in the last blog post May 11th.
When we left you standing at the Calgary Airport while we flew off to Hamilton
to what could now only be described (trying hard not to show excitement) as one
of the most awesome 6 week periods we have ever had. It all started when we
landed in Hamilton and John from the HQ picked us up and introduced us to our apartment
at 48 Homewood Ave. where we would reside for our time there. We quickly got
into the rest mode as we finished a kitchen renovation that was underway then
started a couple of room renovations that we would inevitably leave unfinished
for some other unsuspecting person seeking a moments rest. While there we reacquainted
ourselves with the good folk at Hill Park Bible Church who welcomed us back
like we had been gone forever. I had the occasion to speak with them on one
Sunday morning and on two occasions had pot luck with them as well. Now, not
showing any excitement while I tell this next part is going to be tough so get
your forgiving hearts in gear because here it comes. On June 3rd at
1:08 PM our 4th Granddaughter and our 7th grandchild made
her grand entrance into our family. Yes, our baby (Ward) had a baby. Well, I
mean his wife had a baby, just trying to get into the new world language. So
let me tell you, without bragging of course, she, Abigail Elizabeth, is absolutely
the most gorgeous baby ever created, she weighed in at 8lbs 13oz with feet and
hands large enough to make a kick boxer sit-up and take notice, she stands 21
inches tall and if she didn’t have so much turned under she’d be way taller. So,
having got that said, without bragging, the rest should be real easy. We spent
some time in Ottawa with our son Trevor and his wife Leah and toured the
capital area on a river cruise seeing it all from the backside, kind of a
general view of politics. While we were there we stepped across the river into
France (Quebec) just to say we did. We spent a week attending one of the most
exciting WEC Canada conferences I have ever had the pleasure of taking part in.
Following conference we flew back to Saskatoon to attend the grade 12
graduation ceremony of our 2nd granddaughter and our 3rd grandchild.
So, and I don’t have to brag this time, let me tell you about that awesome
young lady. She, Angelica, is beauty without comparison; she was the bell of
the ball, among all the stars she was the brightest, shining in the night for
all to see. See, I said I didn’t have to brag. From there we went to the Family
Camp of Compass Immanuel Church (our home church) where we enjoyed a great time
with great friends and had the occasion to share with them on Sunday morning.
We remained at the camp for the next couple of days for the annual DIY Camp
where we were able to get some well-deserved rest while Gail helped in the kitchen
and I fixed as much stuff as I could find. We spent a day with our daughter
Jackie and from there we started our return trip to BC and here we are at the
My part of this blog is almost
finished and once Gail has had her go at the spelling and whatnot, I’ll post
some pics and get it out to you.
God Bless. With love.
Erwin & Gail
Here I am Abigail Elizabeth 2 days old. |
Gramma's a keeper |
I Think I Like my Daddy |
But Grampa is worth a good look |
I had a baby girl? |
Now where'd that kid go? |
Gramma, it's on my table. Where you going to put my food? |
Parliment from the backside |
Look what I found in France |
Pretty and smart too???? |
Now we can see why. |
Gramma's a keeper |
Look what the cat dragged home. |