Since we arrived in Glasgow on Monday the 25th of
August we once again have been on the go. I don’t know where the rest we are to
accomplish during this time off is to come from, there doesn’t seem to be much
time between the comings and the goings anymore. Don’t get me wrong I’m not
complaining, we are enjoying every busy moment of this adventure.
Two days in Glasgow we took a bus into the city then toured
via the hop on hop off sightseeing bus. Even after two days of that we didn’t
see it all, but what we did see once again was history. The place is filled
with history, some as long ago as the 6th century and others as
recent as the 19th century. I disliked History with a passion when
they tried to teach it in school but seeing it come to life before your very
eyes puts a totally different slant on it and I am now just amazed at all there
is to know.
We left Glasgow this morning and drove on some of what I can
only describe as the narrowest of major highways. Some places when two buses
met they had to reduce speed to a bit slower than dead slow in order to pass
and other places even two cars couldn’t pass, but, there were wide spots with
signs that read “Passing place” where, with great caution, two cars could meet
and pass without excess damage happening. We arrived at out quaint little bed
and breakfast and have been able to get our pounding hearts down to a dull roar
and we will rest before another day of highway terror sets in.
I’ll post a few pics and let go for now but don’t get too
comfortable, there will be a lot to tell you about the things we will be doing
bless. With love.
& Gail
Right: Downtown Glasgow
Right: One of the Retunda, there is one on each side of The River Clyde They are like elevators that would lift or lower the horses and wagons down to and up from a tunnel that went under the river.
This is the home of Doug and Jeanette Craig
They have shared their home with us while we
are in Glasgow
This is one of the major cross country Highways in Scotland I haven't been on them all but am told this is quite typical
This is the Fasgad B&B Where we are at this moment in Port Appin.