Monday, 16 June 2014


Well folks it appears that the first post on our blog had made it out in the world. You may have noticed it took me from the 3rd of June until the 15th to get that accomplished. so now please bare with me as I try to beat that awesome record. I'm going to try to stick some pics in as well if I can figure that out. Also if any of you have figured out how to follow or subscribe or what ever one might call it please let me know so I can tell others. I don't mind sending out notices on email but it would be easier if you could some sign up for automatic notification when I publish a new post.
Thanks for your comments about the blog, both on the blog and on email. I see that there are over 150 views today and I didn't notify near that many. Let me know how this one goes and then I will stop bothering you until we get this trip started on the 29th of this month.
Here is a go at posting some pics.
                                           Thats them all
                                           Jackie with Jessica, Brody and Jillian
                                           Ya that too
                                          Treasa & Brad with Angelica
                                           Trevor & Leah
                                            Kym & Brian with Benjamin & Samuel
                                           The Grand-kids
                                               That again ??????
                                                      Ward & Heather
If the pics come through FYI that is my family
God bless each and everyone of you.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Getting ready to travel.

Well as I start this thing out here I have no idea what I am doing I just went to and followed my nose to this point. I have no idea what the next step will be until somewhere down the road I push another button but just in case this  makes it to somewhere where someone out there reads it I'll try to say somethine interesting. Oh this techy stuff is so brain wrenching, my head spins. Anyway back to saying something of interest.
Well having securely set our plans in motion by booking all our flights and paying for them with out cancellation insurance, by booking all our rental cars and telling all our hosts when we will be arriving on their doorsteps,  we are completely in the hand of our God. You might ask if we are just a little scared and the answer would be "no" " we are a lot scared". That's not to say that Gods hand is not secure, nor that He is not faithful in every way, it's simply because being securely locked into our humanity we are among those to whom Jesus refers when He says "Oh ye of little faith". Scared? yes, Confused? a bit, Going to change anything? not until God clearly says to. So as we rapidly approach the time when this furlough is about to begin (29 days from now) we are no where near ready and the excitement only seams to speed up the clock and hinder the process of preparation.
Gail has most of the rooms ready for the people that will be arriving on the 17th and will be ready when the time comes but she won't know it until conference is over and she has to prepare the rooms again for incoming students, before we leave. The yard is starting to look ready but it seams to be endless preparation. I often think that if I turn off the whipper snipper I could hear the grass grow but by the grace of God I to will be ready.
I am going to stop this rambling and see if I can make this go somewhere and possibly even control where that somewhere might be. What I ask of you is please let me know if you happen to be one of those to whom it makes it.
God bless whoever has had the experience of reading this. I was going to say enjoyed the experience but I think I'll stick with had the experience.